Frequently Asked Questions about Test Information Distribution Engine System (TIDE)
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Frequently Asked Questions about Test Information Distribution Engine System (TIDE)

Why are the ELA and ELA-PT test settings different in TIDE?

Test settings for ELA Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) and ELA Performance Task (PT) need to be assigned separately. Please be sure to double check that ELA and ELA-PT test settings for students are assigned consistently.

Note: The test settings for Mathematics applies to both the Mathematics CAT and Mathematics PT. Refer to the TIDE User Guide for more information.

Why am I not able access the Practice & Training Site or TDS? (Accessing the NDA)

It is possible that you have not acknowledged or signed the Non-Disclosure Agreement in TIDE. If you do not acknowledge the non-disclosure agreement, you will not be able to log into TDS. To acknowledge the non-disclosure agreement:

  1. Select Non-disclosure Agreement from the General Resources dropdown menu on the TIDE toolbar. The Non-Disclosure Agreement page appears.
  2. Read the agreement, and click I Acknowledge. A confirmation message appears.

Note: You must acknowledge a non-disclosure agreement each year prior to administering tests through TDS. SDDOE recommends acknowledging the NDA at least 48 hours prior to administering tests. Users who sign the NDA will be able to access the TDS 30 minutes after signing the form in TIDE.   

What are the accommodations that require SD Department of Education approval prior to its use?

Please contact the Beth Schiltz at from the South Dakota Department of Education with the request to add the following accommodations.

  1. Embedded Accommodations:
    • ELA CAT Text-to-Speech Passages
    • ELA CAT Text-to-Speech Passages & Items
  2. Non-Embedded Accommodations:
    • Read Aloud Passages
    • Calculator
    • Print on Demand
    • 100s Chart
    • Multiplication Table
    • Permisive Mode

The request should also include the grade and SSID information.

Once the accommodation request has been reviewed and approved, the SDDOE will update the student's test settings in TIDE. As a Teacher (TE)/ Proctor (PR), you will be able to confirm in TIDE and in TDS when that setting has been updated for the student.  

If the accommodation request has been denied, the SDDOE will notify the Teacher (TE)/ Proctor (PR) who submitted the request.

How do I print a PreID label from TIDE (for paper testers only)?

PreID labels can printed directly from the View/Edit Students page under the Student Information tab. Refer to the TIDE User Guide for more detailed information.

Are scribes expected to sign a “Test Security/Confidentiality Agreement”?

The “Test Security/Confidentiality Agreement” is encapsulated within the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) in TIDE.  All scribes and other people that are to act on behalf of students during testing should acknowledge the NDA. 

When using the student setting template uploads feature in TIDE, can there be more than one Non-embedded Designated Support (NEDs) or Non-embedded Accommodation (NEAs) added for each student?

Yes, this is possible. The SSID can be listed on multiple lines and any fields that do not apply/are not required can be left as blank, then the NEDs or NEAs can be added per row as appropriate.  As a reminder, do not list a NEDs/NEAs with the zero value (for example NEDS0) otherwise it will reset all options listed in the previous rows. 

Why don’t I see last year’s rosters?

Rosters that were created prior to the TIDE roll-over for the new school year are no longer available in the system. To view last year’s data, you have several options:  

If the teacher is rostered with students:

  • Once Reporting has rolled-over for the new school year, search for the student in your assessment/student dashboard and select the previous school year from the filter option to view the interim data.

If he teacher is not yet rostered with students or will not be rostered with the same students:

  • In Reporting, Teachers will need to request that the school coordinator (SC) print the previous year interim data from the assessment or student dashboard.

What do I do if my email address has changed, but I want to access my old account information (rosters, school affiliations, etc.)?

Depending upon the steps you have already taken with your old TIDE account profile, you have a few options. Please refer to the scenarios below:  //Scenario – Old TIDE Account Only:  You have a TIDE account with the old email address and new email address (without a second TIDE account)/Next Steps: Contact the Help Desk. We will ensure that all current rosters and access are moved over to the new email address. No other action is needed.  //Scenario – Two TIDE Accounts:  You have a TIDE account with the old email address and a second TIDE account with the new email address./Next Steps: Contact the Help Desk. We will ensure that all current rosters and access are moved over to the new email address. We will not delete the old account from the system. We can give you the exact profile information needed to request that a School or District Coordinator delete your account.  //Scenario – New TIDE Account: You have a TIDE account with the new email address and have already deleted the TIDE account the old email address./Next Steps: The School Coordinator (SC) must manually re-associate the user to all the appropriate rosters and school affiliation for the TIDE account with the new email. It is not possible for the Help Desk or any higher-level user to restore the TIDE account with the old email address or their rosters.

When will my appeal request be reviewed?

The SDDOE reviews appeal requests daily. Please submit your appeals by 3pm CDT.

How are students added to TIDE?

Each student must be correctly assigned to his or her district, school, and grade in the Infinite CAMPUS system. That information is added to TIDE through nightly files. Only State Users and/or DA users, as assigned by the State, can add/modify/delete student demographic information in Infinite Campus and that information will be updated in TIDE.

Note: Changes in Infinite Campus may take up to 48 hours to show in TIDE based on when the changes are updated.

Should I have a School Coordinator or a Teacher/Proctor role in TIDE?

Account roles TIDE are based on one's jurisdiction. For example, a district user can users or students pertaining to his or her district while a school-level user can only see users or students included in the school or roster. 

School Coordinators have general oversight responsibilities for all administration activities in their school and for all Proctors (PRs) or Teachers (TEs), which is not limited to:

  • adding Proctors (PRs) and Teachers (TEs) in TIDE;
  • identifying PRs/TEs and ensuring they are properly trained;
  • coordinating with PRs/TEs so they administer all assessments and monitoring test progress through reports;
  • entering and/or verifying test settings for students; or
  • creating rosters for PRs and TEs so they can proctor tests or view scores (TEs only).

If you are a teacher or administrator who is responsible for training, account management, roster creation, testing (including appeals) for all schools in your district, you should be given a TIDE account as a School Coordinator (SC).

If you are a teacher who  proctors tests in multiple schools and needs access to student reports, you should be given a TIDE account a Teacher (TE) user role with access to only the specific schools you are testing or reporting. Although you may proctor a test for any student in school, you will only see that student's results if you and the student are in the same roster.

If you are teacher who proctors tests across multiple schools and do not need to see student reports, you should be given a TIDE account as a Proctor (PR) user role with access to only the specific schools you proctor. You may proctor a test for any student in the school(s) you are affiliated with in TIDE. The PR role should be only explicitly assigned if a user should not have access to score report data otherwise all users should be given the TE Role.

For more information, refer to the User Roles and System Access document available on the portal. If you need your TIDE role updated, contact your district or school coordinator.

What is the deadline to enter non-participation codes in TIDE?

You will be need to add non-participation codes for both paper and online testers prior to the end of the test window.

Where can I obtain the Interim Test Scoring Materials?

Interim Test Scoring Materials are available for download in TIDE and Reporting.

To download hand-scoring resources from TIDE, navigate to the General Resources drop-down list in the banner and select Interim “Test Scoring Materials”. The Interim Test Scoring Materials page will appears with download links for the required resource. (Note: This feature is available for all roles except Proctors (PRs).)

To download hand-scoring resources from Reporting, Click the stack of books button  in the upper-left corner of the report table. A pop-up window opens, displaying links to the available resources.