Frequently Asked Questions about Test Delivery System (TDS)
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Frequently Asked Questions about Test Delivery System (TDS)

Why am I not able access the Practice & Training Site or TDS? (Accessing the NDA)

It is possible that you have not acknowledged or signed the Non-Disclosure Agreement in TIDE. If you do not acknowledge the non-disclosure agreement, you will not be able to log into TDS. To acknowledge the non-disclosure agreement:

  1. Select Non-disclosure Agreement from the General Resources dropdown menu on the TIDE toolbar. The Non-Disclosure Agreement page appears.
  2. Read the agreement, and click I Acknowledge. A confirmation message appears.

Note: You must acknowledge a non-disclosure agreement each year prior to administering tests through TDS. SDDOE recommends acknowledging the NDA at least 48 hours prior to administering tests. Users who sign the NDA will be able to access the Proctor Interface 30 minutes after signing the form in TIDE.   

What are the accommodations that require SD Department of Education approval prior to its use?

Please contact the Beth Schiltz at from the South Dakota Department of Education with the request to add the following accommodations.

  1. Embedded Accommodations:
    • ELA CAT Text-to-Speech Passages
    • ELA CAT Text-to-Speech Passages & Items
  2. Non-Embedded Accommodations:
    • Read Aloud Passages
    • Calculator
    • Print on Demand
    • 100s Chart
    • Multiplication Table
    • Permissive Mode

The request should also include the grade and SSID information.

Once the accommodation request has been reviewed and approved, the SDDOE will update the student's test settings in TIDE. As a Teacher (TE)/ Proctor (PR), you will be able to confirm in TIDE and in TDS when that setting has been updated for the student.  

If the accommodation request has been denied, the SDDOE will notify the Teacher (TE)/ Proctor (PR) who submitted the request.

Can iPads be used for Student Testing?

Computers, laptops, netbooks, and tablets can all be used if they meet the system requirements. Please refer to the technology configuration documents for more detailed information.

What tablet sizes should I use for student testing?

Screen dimensions must be at least 10” or larger. The following devices are not supported:

  • Apple iPad Mini
  • Google Nexus 7 and similar-sized Android tablets
  • Netbooks with screen dimensions smaller than 10”

Note: Testing on iPads with a 9.5” display is allowed. Please refer to the technology configuration documents for more detailed information.

How do I know I am administering the correct operational test?

If you are planning to administer an operational assessment (Summative or Interim), you will need to start a test session using TDS.

  1. Click the TDS card from the GatewayThe login page appears.
  2. Enter your email address and password.
  3. Click Secure Login. TDS appears.
  4. Select the Summative Assessment (green category) or Interim (yellow category).
  5. After you select the desired tests, click the Start Operational Session button to begin the test session.

For more details, refer to the TDS User Guide  and/or the Summative Proctor Script and Summative Test Administration Manual.

Is the Proctor (PR) Certification Course required?

The Proctor (PR) Certification Course is recommended but not required for test administrators by the SDDOE. However, some districts may make it a requirement for teachers as part of their test preparedness. The SDDOE recommends it be taken as part of the training materials in the online TAM.

Which Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA) or Interim Assessment Block (IAB) can a student take?

Since Interim tests are optional, a student can be given any ICA or IAB test (as deemed appropriate). A student's default eligibility for any interim ICA and IAB test is based on their current enrolled grade. Off-grade interim tests can be added in TIDE from the View/Edit Student page. In the Interim Eligibility panel, use the drop-down lists to select additional Mathematics or ELA grade-level tests. Click Save to update the student's record. Interim test eligibility can only be modified for one student at a time. 

Reminder: The student will need to start a new test session to see the additional, off-grade Interim tests.

What calculators are used in the online Math assessments?

Students taking online South Dakota Math assessments will have access to Desmos calculators. Students may prepare to use these calculators with the practice tests or by accessing the standalone basic, scientific, and graphing calculators. For more information, refer to the Desmos Calculator User Guide and Desmos Calculator Quick Start Guide.  

Note: This does not apply to students with SDDOE approval for a Non-embedded Accommodation (NEA) external calculator. 

Why isn't the sound working in the Student Interface after passing the AV check?

A feature in Windows automatically lowers or mutes the volume of some apps if Windows detects audio recording. This section describes how to disable automatic volume reduction.

To disable automatic volume reduction:

  1. Open the Start Menu.
  2. Open the Control Panel.
  3. Select Sound. The Sound window will open.
  4. Select the Communications tab.
  5. By default, the option to “Reduce the volume of other sounds by 80%” is selected. Change this to Do nothing.
  6. Select OK.

What are the 2023-2024 assessment windows?

ELA and Math Assessment Windows

  • Interim IAB: August 18, 2023 - May 3, 2024
  • Interim FIAB: August 18, 2023 - May 3, 2024
  • Interim ICA: August 18, 2023 – March 1, 2024
  • Practice & Training: August 30, 2023
  • Summative Online: March 25, 2024 - May 3, 2024

Science (SDSA) Assessment Windows

  • Interim: August 18, 2023 - May 3, 2024
  • Practice: August 30, 2023
  • Summative Online: March 25, 2024 - May 3, 2024

Science Alternate (SDSAA) Assessment Windows

  • Sample test: September 13, 2021 - December 29, 2023
  • Summative Online: March 25, 2024 - May 3, 2024

Which of the Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) are Focused Interim Assessment Blocks (FIABs)?

The below FIABs are new for 2022-23:

Grade Subject FIAB - Assessment Name
3 Math Multiplication and Division: Interpret, Represent, and Solve
3 Math Multiply and Divide within 100
3 Math Properties of Multiplication and Division
3 ELA Research: Analyze Information
3 ELA Research: Interpret and Integrate Information
3 ELA Write and Revise Narratives
4 Math Four Operations: Interpret, Represent, and Solve
4 Math Fraction Equivalence and Ordering
4 Math Fractions and Decimal Notation
4 ELA Research: Analyze Information
4 ELA Research: Interpret and Integrate Information
4 ELA Write and Revise Narratives
5 Math Add and Subtract with Equivalent Fractions
5 Math Numerical Expressions
5 Math Operations with Whole Numbers and Decimals
5 ELA Research: Analyze Information
5 ELA Research: Interpret and Integrate Information
5 ELA Write and Revise Narratives
6 Math Dependent and Independent Variables
6 Math Divide Fractions by Fractions
6 Math One-Variable Expressions and Equations
6 ELA Research: Analyze Information
6 ELA Research: Interpret and Integrate Information
6 ELA Write and Revise Narratives
7 Math Algebraic Expressions and Equations
7 Math Equivalent Expressions
7 Math Geometric Figures
7 ELA Research: Analyze Information
7 ELA Research: Interpret and Integrate Information
7 ELA Write and Revise Narratives
8 Math Analyze and Solve Linear Equations
8 Math Congruence and Similarity
8 Math Proportional Relationships, Lines, and Linear Equations
8 ELA Research: Analyze Information
8 ELA Research: Interpret and Integrate Information
8 ELA Write and Revise Narratives
11 Math Equations and Reasoning
11 ELA Research: Analyze Information
11 ELA Research: Interpret and Integrate Information
11 Math Solve Equations and Inequalities: Linear and Exponential
11 Math Solve Equations and Inequalities: Quadratic
11 ELA Write and Revise Narratives

What is the Text-to-Speech availability on the South Dakota assessments?

Text-to-speech (TTS) is available as a designated support or accommodation to all students for whom an adult or team has indicated it is needed.  When using TTS, text is read aloud to the student via embedded text-to-speech technology.


Embedded Supports



Items & Passages*

ELA Performance Task


Items & Passages



Items & Stimuli


Items**/Items & Stimuli

*Text-to-speech for ELA Passages is an accommodation for students whose need is documented in an IEP or 504 plan./** Text-to-speech is not available for inline choice dropdown menu options (example item one on Grade 8 Science Practice Test).  TTS will read the surrounding text but not the text inside of the dropdown.


How do I exit full-screen mode in the Science Alternate Assessment in the Student Testing Site?

To exit full-screen mode and access the global menu, students select Exit full-screen mode button in the upper-left corner. A message appears, asking for a password.

  • Students or Teachers/ Proctors enter their first name and select OK. The global menu appears at the top of the screen.
  • When signed in as a guest user in the Student Training Site, students or Teachers/ Proctors enter Guest.

How do I end a test in the Science Alternate Assessment in the Student Testing Site?

To end a test, exit full-screen mode and select End Test. You can submit the alternate assessment by selecting Exit full-screen mode button in the upper-left corner. A message appears, asking for a password.

  • Enter their first name and select OK. The global menu appears at the top of the screen.
  • When signed in as a guest user in the Student Training Site, enter Guest.